Dancing With the Silence

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  • Dit onderwerp bevat 0 reacties, 1 deelnemer, en is laatst geüpdatet op 5 juni 2023 at 21:20 door Anna Krasko.
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  • Auteur
    • #13623
      Anna Krasko

        Dancing With the Silence… And The Mystery


        Photo by Martino Pietropoli on Unsplash

        Photo by Martino Pietropoli on Unsplash

        Shadows of leaves
        blown by April winds
        appear fleetingly on sunlit walls
        while birdsong drifts
        from languid, leafy branches,
        and in the slow-moving river,
        swirls emerge
        slowly, tentatively,
        almost invisibly,
        as though the conscious universe
        were discovering itself
        woven into substance
        slowly waking up to itself
        inside all life,
        while nourishing our heart
        like spring brings blossom to trees,
        bringing fresh meaning,
        helping us know
        the beauty in every moment
        happens only now.

        Like the moon, serene,
        through wind-blown cloud,
        a conscious silence everywhere
        is re-weaving all our inner space
        with the intelligence that brings birdsong
        and the beauty of flowers,
        the consciousness that guides all life
        and every human heart,
        writing the unwritten
        into every fleeting moment,
        bringing us
        to where we are
        here and now, today,
        dancing with the silence
        and the mystery.

        Paul Mulliner 2023

        Source: https://medium.com/scribe/dancing-with-the-silence-2a07cbba9d03

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    Home Tijdlijnen (forum) Creaties in woord, beeld, klank Dancing With the Silence