Open contact case – the Ariel School (1994)

In het boek The Invasion of Earth: UFO & Extraterrestrial Contact (door John Scott Chace) staan er duizenden gevallen wanneer er een (bijzonder) object waargenomen was vlakbij militaire installaties, energiecentrales, maar ook ziekenhuizen en scholen. Een waarneming was heel speciaal – gemaakt door ongeveer 60 kinderen, die een ruimteschip zagen landen en later vertrekken, maar ook 3 bemanningsleden, die telepathische contact kregen met de kinderen. Het gebeurde in 1994 in Zimbabwe (pp 184-185 UFOs and Schools).

Het is een kleine basisschool in Ruwa, niet al te ver weg van hoofdstad Harare.

Ariel Primary school… where the mysterious landing is said to have occured

Op een warme dag van 16 september 1994 tijdens een langere pauze waren kinderen (5 tot 12 jaar) buiten aan het spelen of voetballen. Leerkrachten hadden binnen een vergadering. Kinderen zagen meerdere objecten landen en er kwamen ook bemanningsleden via de bovenkant naar buiten. Sommige kinderen hadden een boodschap gekregen over de Aarde en over ons overmatig gebruik van de technologie. In de videofragmenten eronder hoor je kinderen daarover spreken. In die tijd waren veel volwassenen sceptisch, maar de school vroeg vrijwel gelijk ieder kind, die iets had gezien, een tekening te maken. Grote overeenkomsten in hun verslagen en tekeningen was de aanleiding om vast te stellen, dat “iets” echt gebeurd was.

De volgende dag kwam er BBC-ploeg langs en ook andere verslaggevers. Over enkele weken kwam er een Amerikaanse psychiater uit Harvard Medical School om de kinderen te interviewen. Onder zie je links, waar je de getuigenissen terug kunt zien. Wat mij in ieder geval opviel, hoe zwaar aangepast de verslaggeving in verschillende bronnen kan zijn zowel in basisfeiten als in interpretaties, bizar. Zelfs de toenmalige kinderen, die het verhaal nu vertellen, zeggen, dat ze niet alle details meer weten en met alle zekerheid kunnen zeggen alleen, dat het iets heel buitengewoons was, “once-in-a- lifetime event”. Er zouden veel van die kinderen naar Canada en de VK verhuisd zijn. Of gestorven. In de woorden van een geïnterviewde mevrouw.


(Quote Childhood recollection

Hind’s narrative closely mirrors Sarah’s recollection. At 10am, Hind writes, on a hot day, the children were let out for their mid-morning break. They were drawn to an area beyond their playing field of “long grass with thorn and other indigenous bushes, trees growing higgledy-piggledy fashion, and undergrowth thick and heavy enough to hide a child should he venture there”.

The teachers had all entered the staff room for a meeting and the only adult outdoors was the tuckshop mistress, who was soon swamped by children claiming they had seen “three or four objects coming into the rough bush area … disc-like objects coming in along the power lines and finally landing in the rough, among the trees. The children were a little bit afraid, although they were also curious.”

The UFO investigator goes on to record the testimonies of several of the children, who she says represented “a cross-section of Zimbabweans: black African children from several tribes, coloured children (a cross-breeding of black and white), Asian children (whose grandparents were from India) and white children, mostly Zimbabwean-born, but whose parents were either from South Africa or Britain”.

Although they all came from wealthy families (tuition at Ariel School was expensive), Hind believed their cultural differences gave rise to differing interpretations of the event, and that the differences in interpretation made the details that were common to all accounts very compelling indeed.

One of the white students, for example, “thought at first that the little man in black might have been Mrs Stevens’ gardener, but then he saw that the figure had long, straight black hair, ‘not really like [a] black [person’s] hair’, so he realised he had made a mistake!”

Some of the black children thought the short little beings were zvikwambo, or tokoloshes – the evil goblins of Shona and Ndebele folklore – and burst into tears, fearing they would be eaten.

Guy G said: “[I] could see the little man (about a metre tall) was dressed in a black, shiny suit; that he had long black hair and his eyes, which seemed lower on the cheek than our eyes, were large and elongated. The mouth was just a slit and the ears were hardly discernible.””


Gallery of maps and drawings

The Phenomenon (2020) | Trailer HD (2:21)

Zimbabwe Ariel School UfO part 2 (9:46) – about the Harvard psychiatrist John Edward Mack and the interviews he conducted with the children of Ariel School

The Story of Children in Zimbabwe Encountering a UFO (8:17)

The Zimbabwe UFO Landing (10:48)

Clip from the documentary “The Phenomenon” directed by James Fox. Explores a 1994 UFO landing incident which allegedly took place outside a schoolyard in Zimbabwe, in front of many eyewitnesses.

Article Through their Eyes – the Ariel School Encounter (2013, updated 2018)